Why Valkyrja?

We startet searching for the strong ocean going boat of our dreams in 2010. We looked at a couple of  Scandinavian built Najad and Hallberg Rassy, the Contest of Netherlands and many many more. In spring 2011 we found our boat. She met all our requirements. She was designed by the famous Sparkman & Stephens and built to high standards by the Dutch Royal Huisman. We bought her without seeing her but we knew she was the one we wanted. She had been on an extended layup in Maine, US for some years and was in need of attention.

Valkyrja is the Icelandic name for Valkyrie in Norse Mythology. We found that this was the appropriate name for the fast, strong built, stable and seaworthy boat designed in the Swan mode, of which many have been designed by Sparkman & Stephens as Valkyrja.

The Valkyries lived in a world characterized by heroic boldness. To meet ones fate with dignity, problem solving and integrity was regarded as essential.

The Valkyries were of a complex nature; they attended the fallen warriors on the battlefield and brought them to Valhalla, where Odin ruled. Also, they appeared in other forms, as human shield maidens or as humans living in Midgard with extensive knowledge of rune magic. They sometimes would go flying for people in a swan mode. 
Valkyries - Painting by Maude