Monday 20 August 2012

New England Coast in August 2012

Arriving at Harbor Light Marina in Warwick, Rhode Island in the evening of 25 July we found Valkyrja - still not launched after the refit process. Yes, the major refit had - more or less - been completed. Every single item below the floorboards was renewed and Valkyrja got a complete set of new running rigging. The now rebuilt Perkins 108 was already in the boat but had not been fixed and tuned; not all the hatches had yet been fitted with the new and strong Lexon sheets (which was not very fortunate when the heavy rain hit); the mast had not been put up again and other minor issues were not quite as advanced as expected. Some busy and extremely hot days in the harbour followed.

Finally, on 4 August, we left the harbour to take on our first trip on Valkyrja. No major mishaps and all equipment tested, most of them which turned out to be functioning as expected. Well, the Raymarine C70 chart plotter decided to fade out after the first day but we managed to have it successfully repaired by a electronics genius in New England Boatworks.

We cruised the beautiful Narraganset Bay in the Ocean State, Rhode Island; sailed from quiet Bristol with the Herreshoff Museum to the busy and posh Newport, then to beautiful Block Island and on to the legendary Martha's Vineyard outside the coast of Massachusetts. We met friendly people, made several friends and enjoyed the sailor's community. The last day we tested Valkyrja's anchor in secluded Potter Cove and accepted a spontaneous bacalao dinner with the extraordinary couple Jay from Providence and Judith from Barcelona on one of these 30 foot American daysailers. We experienced mostly nice weather and good sailing conditions, however a couple of thunderstorms. On the way from the small island, Cutty Hunk, we were surrounded by major lightenings for some exciting moments during one of the thunderstorms which turned our nice 9 knots cruise (video below) into a foul weather gear motoring in the wind blowing from opposite direction, the rain pouring down our mast and zero visibility. No photo opportunities during that weather! Luckily we had just lowered our main sail and the waves and the wind disappeared as quickly as they had struck.

Two weeks of successful owners' sea trial and we're happy with her. Thank you, Valkyrja, and looking forward taking you over the Big Ocean next year!

Valkyrja cruising
Cockpit discussion at Martha's vineyard

New rigging on old winches

I love my boat!

Stern barbecue and Narraganset Bay bridge

A night in Potter Cove - a view up the mast to the stars